Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kolton at 18 and 19 Weeks of Cooking:

Ok, I've been slacking again. Sorry. Since we are almost at 19 weeks I will include both the 18 and 19 weeks development of Kolton on this blog. Can you believe we're almost half way there?! As tired as I am (yes still) and with the wonderful "morning sickness" (yes still).. I'm ready for May! ;-D

Week 18:
Mother (and Mother's comments italicized):
Sleeping may be increasingly difficult now (to say the least), as your body grows (it's HUGE just how much bigger can one person get?). Try propping yourself with pillows to help you find a more comfortable sleeping position (Daddy is NOT happy with the gazillion pillows we have now). You might also try doing pelvic tilts before bed (so much easier said than done), and always urinate before laying down (and then again every 5-10 minutes after you lay down).
If you haven't started yet, try playing around with
baby names! (Yep, that is checked off the list) Look through your family history, read books, look at combinations for girls and boys. Remember to ensure that the initials don't spell something rude (awe, where's the fun in humiliating your kid in that?), and never give your kids the same initials! (oops....we didn't read that...too late, both boys are KCK- will the same initial gods come swoop down on us and spank us now?!)

Baby (and Mother's comments italicized):
At 20.5 cms or 8.1 inches total length (there's NO way..have you seen how big I am?), your baby is growing rapidly (now that's more like it). He weighs about 7 ounces (198 grams) - (not buying it). The bones are continuing the ossification process. The pads of the fingers and toes are formed and the fingerprints are developing as well (well that makes sense because he's already left fingerprints on my heart...and footprints in my belly!).

*** I haven't been adding the Dad/Partner portion cause they've been really silly.. BUT this one needed my intake.
Dad (and Mother's comments italicized):
When I asked my husband what a good tip for dads would be at week eighteen (really, she had to ask for input here? I could come up with ALL sorts of "advise" for Dads right now!), he said "Don't tell your wife she's starting to look fat, because that's about when you really start poofing out." Take that for what it's worth, from the father of seven
. (Oh, it's a very good thing I haven't heard that comment! Instead, I hear, look at my lil man growing! He's going to be tall like Daddy and big brudder. That is taken oh so much better and well accepted)


Week 19
Mother (and Mother's comments italicized):
If you have not looked into childbirth classes, now is the time to do so (we're skipping those, although I remember the instructor made the Dad's give us massages...maybe I'll rethink that even though we know this will be a c-section and schedule us! ;-D).

Baby (and Mother's comments italicized):
This is an impressive week for growth (oh goody..where do you expect me to put the belly again?)! The baby will increase in weight to 8 ounces (227 grams)! If you are having a girl (sorry Daddy and Gramma, it's a BOY (ah-hem, I mean Brudder)), her ovaries now contain primitive egg cells. Lanugo appears all over the baby's body (and apparently Mommy's too. I'm getting hair and itching all over myself). This fine hair will remain until birth draws nearer. Sometimes you can still see some on the baby's face and ears after birth (with big brudder, we called these "feathers" cause he was covered in them and squawked like a little bird).
Permanent teeth buds are forming behind the already formed milk teeth buds (oh yeah, as if kicking and punching me wasn't enough, now Kolton will be able to bite me HA!).

~~~Mother's comments are all in fun (no complaints -even with the never ending morning sickness). It's all worth it and exciting stuff!

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