Monday, June 27, 2011

A Melmo Kind of Frame

So if you're following my blog, you know that I've been working on projects for my son's (almost) 2nd birthday party. I've been having a blast with it and even let him help me on a few things. I love it when he wants to help with things. Just like he helped Chris and I clean house on Sunday. He was helping me scrub the tub and rinse it out and was REALLY into helping Daddy mop (I personally think that and vacuuming are his favorites).

~Anyways, back to my initial on the projects.

Last year, I did a cute picture collage for a glimpse of Kyler's first year. I placed them on the tables at his party for everyone to gander at. So I decided this year, I will continue with the "tradition" of having a picture on the table of Kyler.

This year, instead of doing a collage, I decided to make it a themed frame matching his party.

Frame in the making (K for Kyler and 2 for how old he is - ah-hem, will be):

I had envisioned writing (or actually using stickers or stencils since I don't do writing well with a paint brush) but every time I went to the store, I forgot to pick up stencils or stickers. So this morning after I dropped Kyler off at daycare, I decided, ok what they hay..give it a shot at painting. If you screw it up, there's still time to go get another frame and letters and start over....

... and ... I LOVE IT!!!

Frame almost complete:

The saying "Brought to you by, the letter (K) and the number (2)" is from the end of the Sesame Street TV show for whatever number and letter they were teaching that day. And well, since we are having a Melmo (formally Elmo till my son renamed him) is from Sesame Street, I thought it was perfect. And even more so, that it looks like a kid wrote it which to me makes it look more Sesame Street-ish = perfect!!

Voila (with the picture of Mr. Melmo himself):

This is what he'll be wearing for his party. I almost wasn't going to post this picture till after the party, but I couldn't resist:

Since we're on the subject of his birthday:
Here is Mr. Kyler trying out his birthday present from his Gramma and Papa Pat. Daddy just installed it and he had to make sure that it was installed properly... hahaha:

~ Eggs (of a Goose and of a Dove):
Last night while we were preparing dinner, Chris was grilling and I was at the stove; Kyler who normally is ALL about helping cook at the stove, decided to chase Kady. Well during sometime of him chasing Kady, he decided to want to beat up my tile with his forehead again. I heard him hit and was to him before the first breath of scream was even out. I knew from the hit, it was going to be a doozey. When he finally let me look, this is what I saw:

He wouldn't let me put ice on it then. Very shortly after this incident we ate and then I talked him into sitting in my lap and eating a Popsicle so I could put ice on it. He sat perfectly still as he munched down on his Popsicle all while the ice pack was on his forehead. This morning the swelling and knot was gone down. Still green and bruised as to be expected.

Chris had told us that as he went out to start the grill that a bird flew out of one the planters that I have hanging...this was not the same planter I saw a Dove in the other day. He picked Kyler up and looked inside and found an egg. I'm going to have another baby!.. Every year my Doves come in and nest in my planters that used to house beautiful plants. I however, have not developed my Mom and Grandma's green thumbs..sadly. But because the Doves come into the lanai and nest every year, I leave them up. It's really neat to watch and see the babies grow. The hard part is, keeping Kady from having Dove stew. They freak out when we open the door to let her out and they fly out and get caught and she chases them. But we save them every time:

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