Most of our friends and family know that Chris has once again been laid off due to no work in his industry. UGH! Yes, this is taking a toll on us and I'm vouching for him to find a new line of work.
Anyhow, with him being out of work and unable to find anything thus far; a "little birdie" from my work (as I was told) turned my name into one of the Sergeant's that I work with who in turn contacted an organization called Adopt A Family. We have met with one of the coordinators and talked to them and we have been accepted. The police department that I work for will be sponsoring my family for Christmas this year. We at first were (and still are) very humbled and then thought of declining it as there are families worse off than us. Yes, we are hurting, but still making it through. After speaking with the coordinator, we wanted to ensure to him that we are doing whatever we can to find Chris work and I am picking up over time when offered. We promised him that if Chris found work in the meantime, we would be sure to let them know.
After our meeting we were informed that this organization will be getting with us between now and early next month to get a list of items needed (diapers / wipes / clothes / food / etc) and they will have 200+ motorcyclist deliver the items to us on December 17th..(hence in previous post as to why we had to have the Christmas Tree put up).
I am very Grateful that this "little birdie" or as I've been calling them 'Santa's Helper' has done this for my family. And since they are refusing to let me know who they are, I can only hope that they are reading my blogs and facebook status' and learning just how much they mean to me and my family. Since I don't know who they (you) are; I promise that I will pay this forward.
Just a little side note: my family and I will only be accepting the help that we need. We are not taking advantage of this group or anyone else and are actually looking forward to working with them once we are on our feet to assist another family in need of assistance.
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