Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Little of This and Some of That...

I had girls night out last night and when I got home, this is what I found. I soo wanted to crawl in there and snuggle with him.

I love my girls night out and hanging with my friends, but I also miss rocking my lil man to sleep and having that snuggle time. But its good for Daddy to have too.

Before I came into work this morning, I was folding some laundry and Daddy was being supervised vacuuming!

Then when Daddy was done, Kyler walked into the room where we keep the vacuum and he was "inspecting" the vacuum to make sure Daddy didn't break anything. It was way too cute!

Kyler got a new (to him) shirt and it totally fits him! I can't wait for him wear it and see what reactions we get. HA!:

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