Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Mother's Aching Heart.....

Tonight while at work, I received a call from my husband telling me that my 15 month old son is walking around the house carrying a picture of me. My heart immediately melted. Kyler then got on the phone with me and although he wouldn't say anything, he was kissing the phone over and over again. {insert heart ache, but too adorable!}

It wasn't long after that, I took a break and went home to see him. He was so excited to see me pull in the driveway where he (and Daddy) was waiting for me. It was extremely hard for me to leave knowing that my son is missing me just as much as I miss him.

I just hope and pray that these crazy shift hours end soon...very soon so that I can be more than a "part-time Mommy" to my Lil Man.


  1. How sweet! That one made me tear up; him walking around with your picture!!!!

  2. I know!! Doesn't it just break your heart too?
