Thursday, April 5, 2012

Week 35

Week 35 ~~ ALMOST THERE!!!!!

Fetal Development:
The average sized baby is around five and a half pounds now! The fat accumulations plump up the arms and legs this week. The baby has gotten big enough to take up most of the uterus, and there's less room to move around. The testes have completed their descent in males.

Maternal Changes:
Your care provider may begin regular checks of your cervix some time in the next few weeks for signs of
effacement and dilation and to see what position your baby is in. Your baby cannot pass through a normally closed cervix. The process of labor is the stretching, thinning (effacement) and opening (dilation) of your cervix to allow the baby to pass through. Your cervix is fully dilated when the opening measures 10 centimeters.

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