Monday, May 2, 2011

Kyler's 1st Major Boo-Boo....

(first of many to come I'm sure)

Last night after getting home from Gramma's of a Fun Filled Weekend (see previous post) Kyler and I took a nap. After we got up he and I were clearing off the kitchen table while Daddy went to get some dinner.

Just as Chris was walking into Publix he received this phone call: "Chris get home now, I have to rush Kyler to the emergency room, he just busted his eye open".

Oh yes... I was not as calm as I am trained to be. (I guess when it comes to your own kid the rules don't apply??... HA!) I was a mess to say the least. I was trying to call Chris, my Mom, stop the bleeding, console a screaming child and get dressed all at once. I remember standing in the kitchen going in a circle for not knowing which direction I really needed to be in. I knew I needed to get dressed (at least put on a bra, it didn't matter if the rest of me matched or not).

Kyler was running around the table, tripped and fell hitting the corner of our dog bowl which split his eye open.

This was us on the way to the ER. I was sitting in the back trying to rotate an ice pack and a cold wet wash cloth trying to get the bleeding to stop. It was gross with the pieces of flesh hanging out:

They ended up gluing his eye. Whooo-hoooo no stitches. And they said it would be better with scaring. Thankfully its in his eyebrow line too.

Then this morning we wake up and his eye is swollen...shut! You can't see how pink it was in this picture and this is a "good" picture with him having it open considering how it has been all day, but you can tell its swollen and you can't even see his eyelashes. Every time I looked at him today, my eyes would water.

I had to pick him up from daycare to take him to the ENT for a follow up on his Myringotomy and Tubes. When I got there, his eye was starting to ooze..nasty. So I called and made a doctor appointment for when I was done at the ENT I would take him to the other doctor to be checked out.

The ENT visit went AWESOME!! Mr. Kyler's hearing has been restored in Both ears; his tubes and ears are clean and look great; And he is allowed to go swimming (no plugs needed since he's not an avid swimmer at this point). I'm LOVING that. And while I was there, the doctor was concerned with his eye so I asked if he wouldn't mind taking a look at it for me (even though that's not his specialty) and he had no problem doing so. He said it looked good to him (considering) and that even though it was oozing some, it was mainly the glue (whew sigh of relief). It didn't appear to be infected to him and said to just ice it (if he would let us -- ummm yeah right) and look for any redness or bloody ooze (I know, I know..gross). But I was very impressed with him and ended up calling the other doctor and canceling my appointment with them.

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