Friday, January 27, 2012

Kolton: 25 Weeks Down

We have reached 25 Weeks!! Just 98 days to go!!!

Fetal Development:
The structures of the spine - 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments - begin to form. The blood vessels of the lungs are developing and the nostrils begin to open. Busy week!

~~ We have our next ultrasound scheduled for Feb 8th! Can't wait to see how big my lil man is and what his measurements are! Just this morning he and his brother had the hiccups which gave big brother the giggles. It was funny!

Maternal Changes:
You may be feeling like a "Soccer Mom" now that your uterus is the size of a soccer ball. (and because Kolton is kicking up a storm like he's playing soccer!) Your growing uterus places pressure on your back and pelvis and may cause periodic shooting pains in your lower back and legs. (yes, LOVE the sciatica ~NOT!) When you experience this, rest, change your position, take a warm bath or apply ice to the
sore area. (you see there.. "DRs" orders..a bath!)

Preterm Labor Warning Signs: (eek!! don't want to know of these right now)
Do you know the warning signs of preterm labor? The
March of Dimes advises that you never ignore any of these symptoms:
Menstrual-like cramps (constant or occasional) (check)
Low, dull backache (constant or occasional) (check) ~ also with back spasms
Pelvic pressure (feels like the baby is pushing down)
Abdominal cramping (with or without diarrhea) (check)
Increase or change in mucous vaginal discharge
Uterine contractions every 10 minutes or more often (may be painless) Be sure to discuss with your caregiver what you should do in the event you experience these warning signs before the 37th week of pregnancy.

Well, that was enough to scare me a little.. 3 out of 5. Good thing I'm headed to the Dr in a few days. I hope this time, he will behave and we can get some non-blurry pictures of him.

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