Friday, July 23, 2010

Kyler's 1 Year Checkup

Today Kyler had his 1 year checkup. When the doctor walked in she was floored that he was only 12 months old. She swore an 18 month old was sitting there in front of her.

The visit went well, even though he had to get 3 was the chicken pox vaccine and he was NOT liking them at all! Poor guy.

He is in the 65%ile for his weight at 23 lbs 9 oz and has blown the charts out of the water (per his Dr) at 32 inches.

She had asked if he was saying anything and I said just BAW for ball but he recognizes everyone when talking about them or when asking him to go get an object, he'll go get it. But as she was leaving he waved AND SAID it was nothing. He's said it a few times since then too. I was so happy! She said, "see Mom, he knows what he's doing".

Afterwards, I took him to McDonald's for a special treat and got him a kids ice cream. He loved it!

~And just a few catch up shots~

Here is Kyler in his Big Boy Highchair. He thinks he's big stuff sitting in it. He no longer likes the regular highchair. He sits in one like this at Ms. Donna's:

Kyler helping me clean the house:

Kyler playing on the birthday gift from Mommy and Daddy (the glider):

And the finished product--Love it!


  1. He is such a handsome little guy!! JennaBeth, our 18 month old, likes her big girl chair too! I think she likes it so much because she is sitting up at the table with the rest of us at meal time!
    Glad little man's appointment went well. With three kiddos, I can attest to how funny it is that we can't wait until they are talking and then when they finally do, well we can't wait until they be quiet:))))

  2. Awe Thank you! He sure is a mess. HaHa (and we love every minute of it) ;-D
    Trust me, oh how I know...I'm not wanting to rush anything. He just keeps doing so much and all the time. He didn't listen when I told him that he was to stay little and not grow up any. HaHa.
