Monday, July 23, 2012

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's.....

Super Kolton!

This week is Super Hero Week at daycare. 

I had just purchased a 5 pack of capes for Kyler to play with, as he likes to be a super hero now and they happened to arrive on the doorstep Friday. Perfect timing for this week. So I let Kolton wear one that matched his outfit.

Kyler and Kolton are both wearing their Spiderman shirts.  Kyler has on the blue "spider cape" so I put on the dark blue shield one for Kolton which matched his blue.

A view from the back:

Ok, so I know the shield dragon doesn't go with Spiderman, but it's cute and the dark blue matches the blue in his outfit, so he's wearing it. 

***And Moms / Grandmas / Aunts / Strangers reading, no need to fret. It is loose on his neck and therefore will not cause him harm.  His teachers will also take it off of him after he has been accounted for wearing his full "costume" and after they take their pictures of the festivity partakers.

This is what he will look like with no cape (eat him up adorable):

Here is a not awake / not so happy to be up at "O'my.god.o'" Kyler. He didn't want his spider cape on until we got to school. I'll try to capture one this afternoon of him wearing it when he's awake and post it. (he was hiding his Spiderman shirt from me because he didn't want his picture taken):

And here is Kolton taking his first nap in his big boy bed. He normally does not like being put down in his crib. But I put him down for just a second and as his head touched the mattress he was out! 

***another disclaimer: Moms / Grandmas / Aunts / Strangers no need to fret. He does NOT sleep in / or hang out in his crib without me hoovering. Therefore the pillow and stuffed animals have not been removed at this time.  When he moves into his crib for a full time sleep status, all items except for him will be removed.

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